
Antivirus Software

March 15, 2015 • James Marshall

Often times we are so anxious to be in a relationship that, with out knowing, we set ourselves up for unnecessary pain and disappointment. Could it be that the agony and frustration that we experience in our relationships are directly connected to our lack of protection? What systems do you have in place to protect yourself from dating disappointments? How do you move from interest to commitment, without regretting your decision? There is a way to safely enter into dating relationships without being hurt in the process; you just need the right “AntiVirus software”. God wants you to have a system in your life that will protect that which is most important to Him…. your heart!

More from Love Offline

Low Traffic

March 29, 2015 • Jumaine Jones

In the internet world, there’s something known as low traffic. It’s when our website, web page, profile, etc. isn’t getting many hits. Sometimes, it seems like our romantic life is on a stand still. Sometimes, it seems like no one is knocking on our doors. At other times, it seems like there are many people knocking, but the knocks don’t lead to the type of relationship we desire. We find ourselves waiting and waiting as the clock keeps ticking and ticking. Be encouraged. God has not forgotten about you. The Valley of One is an opportunity for God to strengthen your faith and do something amazing in your life. God strengthens us when we wait on Him.

Logging On

March 22, 2015 • Jumaine Jones

So…how do you know when someone is “the one?” How do you know when to make it “official?” What if you have doubts? Do you to have all your stuff together? Now that I know when to log off/power down, how do I know when to log and stay on? Even though there are no hard and fast rules on this, we can look at Scripture to give us an idea of when a person you are dating/courting just may be the person for you.

Power Down

March 8, 2015 • Jumaine Jones

Sometimes, we find ourselves in relationships that need to end. Pulling the plug on a relationship can be extremely difficult; especially when the other person still want the relationship to continue. Instead of shutting down a relationship, we tend to put it to sleep. When a computer is sleeping, it has the appearance of being shut down, but at any moment it can be woken up. People tend to “shut down” relationships, but they are really in sleep mode. This leads to a continuous on and off pattern that eventually hurts the two people involved. Believe it or not, the way we deal with these situations is a reflection and test of our character. It is possible to enter into a marriage with someone only to realize that a relationship with or feelings for someone else from the past was actually in sleep mode. We discuss how we can end a relationship in a way that is god honoring and move forward emotionally.