
Hope for ALL

February 16, 2014 • Jumaine Jones

Jesus Christ the Hope for ALL nations.

God has a heart for the nations. Regardless of what we may believe, God desires to reach ALL people. He showed His love through Christ’s sacrifice for ALL. God desires that we open our hearts to ALL.

More from One Love

Passion For My People

March 9, 2014 • Jumaine Jones

Can we be part of a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural church/movement and have cultural specific passions? If so, how do we deal with them in our journey of living as one? The Apostle Paul wrestled with the same tension as he found himself as a Jew called to reach the Gentiles. Pastor Jumaine concludes our current series, One Love, by sharing what scripture says about our cultural specific passions. == PASSION – GOSPEL = PRIDE PASSION + GOSPEL = TRANSFORMATION

We Are One

March 9, 2014 • Jumaine Jones

Like a body, the church has many members who are one. The church needs people like you, and unlike you. No one can say to another, “I have no need of you.” Pastor Jumaine continues to challenge us, in our current series "One Love”, to get out of our comfort zone and confront the age-old elephant in the room, known as church diversity.

Love Thy Neighbor

February 23, 2014 • Jumaine Jones

In Jesus’ parable, “good Samaritan” (Luke 10:25-37), it’s not the priest or the Levite who’s the good neighbor, but the Samaritan. Rather than defining “neighbor” as the victim or the one in need, Jesus turns the lawyer’s attempts to justify himself on their head, and defines “neighbor” as the one who shows mercy.