
The Vine

Stay Connected

August 6, 2017 • Rob Theodore

This week Pastor Rob wraps up our summer series and focuses on how we as a body of Christ can continue to grow deep and live tall in our faith and influence beyond this summer by recognizing the importance of staying connected to the Vine our true source of life Jesus Christ who provides us with what we will need to survive, grow, and reach our potential in our current landscape for His glory.

More from Rooted

Weed Free

July 30, 2017 • Rob Theodore

This week Pastor Rob will continue in our series entitled Rooted as we look to identify and remove any potential weeds or distractions that can come into our lives and prevent us from growing deep in our faith and reaching our full potential.

Seeds of Faith

July 23, 2017 • Rob Theodore

Can a garden grow without planting any seeds? Can we as a people expect to grow in our faith without the Gospel? This week Pastor Rob will discuss the importance of growing deep in our faith and living tall while understanding the importance of planting the seeds of the Gospel in order to impact the lives of the people around us. True growth happens in our lives when we are rooted in Christ and share His word to others for life change.