
Jesus Knows The Way

July 20, 2014 • Joshua Soto

In the road trip of life we find that some people don't know how to give directions, some people don't know how to follow directions but everybody can follow somebody who knows the way. In this sermon, Joshua Soto, Pastor for Community Life at Remnant Church (Richmond, VA), examines Jesus' words in John 14-1-14 which answers the question, Why should we travel with Jesus ? Jesus planned the trip, He guides us throughout the trip and ultimately He paid for the trip....Jesus knows the way!

More from Road Trip


August 3, 2014 • Tally Wilgis

Have you ever taken a road trip to an unfamiliar town only to find that your GPS was not providing you with accurate information? From time to time we can find ourselves relying on an old map of a new area. Our Christian lives can often also leave us feeling like we are trying to make our way through life using an old set of directions. What is needed in our lives is to be certain that we sync our GPS to get the most accurate and up-to-date information available. In our final message of our current series, Road Trip, Pastor Tally Wilgis of Captivate Church (Baltimore , MD) shares with us three simple, yet powerful, prayers that will leave us linked and synced with the ultimate navigator.

A Full Tank

July 27, 2014 • Heather Zempel

When you feel like you've come to a dead end, don't assume you've come to the end. It's not time to give up or give in but to lean in and press in for God's next direction. In this message, Heather Zempel, who currently leads discipleship efforts at National Community Church (NCC) in Washington, DC, teaches that, If we want to avoid running out of gas, we have to practice daily obedience, embrace detours and delays, count the cost, and travel together.