
Meet Saul

Acts 9:1-25

Luke Kuepfer

God desires for us to turn away from our old life and accept His grace. This is the powerful experience of conversion. Have you made that decision? If not, will you?


May 26, 2024 • Denim Trncic

In your walk with God, you'll face things that will attack your momentum. What do we need to look out for, and how can we stand strong against them? Check out Denim's message on Acts 15.

How To Take A Punch

May 19, 2024 • Scott Ziegler

When faced with opposition, it's easy to want to give up or become cynical. But what would it look like to follow Paul’s example of persevering through the punches? Check out Scott’s message to see how we can draw closer to God even in hardship.

Making The Most

May 12, 2024 • Junior Ziegler

We often feel underutilized, wishing we could do more than what we’re tasked with. But what would it look like if we were faithful and content in each position we hold? Check out Junior’s message on Acts 13.