
Steamroller is a defensive maneuver used against people who try to overpower you with interruptions or roll over you with the force of their personalities. They take advantage of the fact that it’s easier to ask the hard question than to patiently listen to the answer.

Because steamrollers are so aggressive, you must manage them aggressively. You don’t need to be rude, but you do need to be firm. Follow these steps, being careful not to let hostility creep into your voice. Stay focused and gracious, but stay in control.

Step One: Stop Him

Find a pause in the conversation and ask politely but directly for permission to finish your point: “I need a moment to explain myself. Is that okay?” Notice the negotiation here. You make a petition, and he grants it. Sometimes this is all that’s needed.

Step Two: Shame Him

If this doesn’t work, confront the rudeness directly, but with integrity. Say something like, “I’d love to respond to you, but you keep breaking in. Do you really want an answer? I can’t continue unless I know you’ll listen. When I’m done, it’s your turn. Is that okay?” Wait for a response.

Step three: Leave Him

If the first two steps fail, politely abandon the enterprise. Not everyone deserves an answer (Matt. 7:6). Save your energy for more productive encounters.

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