
Shedding Shame

Part 1

June 17, 2016 • Mark Jobe

Our emotions play a powerful and important role in our lives. Yet sometimes we find ourselves so wrapped up in our feelings or so overwhelmed that our emotions can get the better of us. In this series Facing Your Feelings, Pastor Mark takes a deeper look at our emotions and what God has to say about them. We’ll go below the surface to see how what’s happening on the inside affects what happens on the outside and we’ll discover the remedy for overcoming and healing our emotions. You were created to feel deeply, to love others, and to experience true emotions that have a positive change on your life and the people around you. It starts with going to the heart, when we face our feelings and allow God to change us from the inside out.

Hanging On to Your Joy

June 30, 2016 • Mark Jobe

Pastor Mark reminds us how we can hang on to our joy by fallowing God's word.

Hanging On to Your Joy

June 29, 2016 • Mark Jobe

Pastor Mark reminds us how we can hang on to our joy by fallowing God's word.

Fighting Discouragement

June 28, 2016 • Mark Jobe

Pastor Mark continues on what God's word say on how to fight discouragement.