
The King of Beast and Feast

November 21, 2021 • Rev. Joshua Smith • Psalm 110

The King of Beast and Feast
I first heard the story a few years ago, of a woman who accidentally sent a text meant for her grandson to an absolute stranger instead. The amusing case of mistaken identity eventually led to his lighthearted inquiry as to whether the invitation still stood, and then to her seriously extending the hospitality. Thus began what is now a six-year tradition of Jamal Hinton joining Wanda Dench and her extended family for Thanksgiving dinner. In the midst of loneliness and mundane technological confusion, each had the presence of mind to recognize an opportunity to live a better story.

Many of the most memorable feasts in my own recollection began likewise, with the assembling of a motley crew through haphazard circumstances. It’s almost as if, despite my natural assumptions, the evening’s true guest list had been composed by a much Higher Head of the table. In fact, He is constantly beckoning us to consecrate our tables to His purposes, elevating our feasts to much greater heights with things like the godliness of our conversations, the generosity displayed in our guest lists, and yes, even our proper gratitude for the sensual glories of such meals. In these ways Jesus desires to position Himself over our tables and establish His own Kingdom’s work through our feasts.

This Sunday traditionally celebrates Christ the King, and it just happens to precede the biggest feast of our civic year, Thanksgiving. It would be so easy to leave these things disconnected, going along with the usual thoughtless flow of turkey and touchdowns and looking like all the rest of the world – generally thankful for legitimized gluttony. But what an amazing invitation we’ve been given to intentionally consider how we might surrender our scattered tables to the Messiah in such a way that they instead become a bounty of Great Thanksgivings (eucharists!) of Christ’s Kingdom – and a blessing to all who gather. I believe if we will recognize these opportunities and receive His Kingdom at our tables, we will actually see Heaven become local, through everyday activities made holy by His presence among His people. So, I hope you’ll accept this invitation to begin Thanksgiving week as an honored guest at the Lord’s Table.

- josh