
Jesus Walks On Water

April 14, 2024 • Dr. Nic Williams • John 6:16–24

In this sermon, we explore the narrative of Jesus walking on water and the disciples' encounter with a storm in John 6. The disciples, having just witnessed the miracle of the feeding of the 5000, are sent by Jesus into a boat where they face a fierce storm. Jesus, after spending time alone, walks on the water towards them, testing their faith and trust in Him. The sermon delves into the themes of fear, obedience, and trust, highlighting that sometimes obedience to God leads us into challenging situations. It also emphasizes that Jesus is always present in our storms, even when we may not recognize Him due to our fears.

How to Develop a Faith that Finishes Strong

May 5, 2024 • Dr. Nic Williams • John 6:56–69

In this sermon, we explore the responses of different groups to Jesus' declaration of being the Bread of Life in John 6. The central question posed is how to develop a faith that endures and finishes strong, rather than one that fizzles out over time. The sermon examines the importance of not just starting with enthusiasm but maintaining our faith through life's challenges. It emphasizes that true satisfaction and the fulfillment of our deepest needs come from depending on Jesus, not from our own efforts. The sermon also addresses the reactions of Jesus' followers, some of whom turned away when faced with difficult teachings, and highlights Peter's confession of faith as an example of enduring belief.

The Bread Of Life

April 21, 2024 • Dr. Nic Williams • John 6:25–59

In this sermon, we explore the deep spiritual hunger that exists within each of us and how Jesus, as the Bread of Life, satisfies that longing. Pastor Nic draws parallels between physical hunger and spiritual hunger, emphasizing that just as our bodies need food to survive, our souls require spiritual nourishment. Through the Gospel of John, particularly John 6:35, Jesus is presented as the ultimate sustenance for our spiritual needs, making bold claims that align Him with God. The sermon also touches on the miracles of feeding the 5000 and 4000, Jesus walking on water, and the healing of the Canaanite woman's daughter, illustrating Jesus' power and His role as the sustenance for all, Jew and Gentile alike.

Jesus Feeds The 5,000

April 7, 2024 • Dr. Nic Williams • John 6:1–15

In this sermon, we explore the familiar yet pivotal miracle of Jesus feeding the 5000, a story so significant it is included in all four Gospels. The narrative unfolds as Jesus and His disciples encounter a massive crowd after a period of intense ministry and personal challenges, including the grief of losing John the Baptist. Jesus uses this moment to test His disciples' faith, asking where they could buy bread for the crowd. The disciples, Philip and Andrew, are highlighted for their human responses to the seemingly impossible situation, revealing their limitations in understanding Jesus' divine capability. The sermon challenges us to consider our own impossible situations and how we might underestimate what God can do with our limited resources.