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Feed God's Flock

February 21, 2021 • Pastor Jim Amador

Jesus has established His church to make disciples and to expand His kingdom in earth. Within the church He has established leaders to help guide the flock, grow the flock, and to solidify the faith of Christians. To be planted in a biblical church is vital for our growth in Christ. Satan is prowling around like a lion, seeking whom he may destroy. We must be vigilant and properly equipped to fight off his temptations!

Suffering For God's Glory

February 14, 2021 • Pastor Jim Amador

Suffering most often is viewed as a negative thing, and it is without Christ. As Christians, our suffering can ultimately bring glory to God. There are many who have suffered before us in similar ways. We are not alone. Just as a weightlifter needs a spotter, God has given us fellow Christians to help us through our sufferings. In many cases, the degree in which you suffer is related to how you handle the situation which caused you to suffer. It was once stated, "The Christian life is a banquet because God has invited us to the table of salvation, but it's not a picnic."

Christ, Our Example

February 7, 2021 • Pastor Jim Amador

Many times in our lives, God allows suffering and despair caused by sin to bring us to a point of repentance. When we deny the leading of the Holy Spirit concerning the conviction of sin, it's only a matter of time that we will suffer the consequences of those sins. The results of those consequences should bear the fruit of no longer living in the sin of our flesh but to live for the will of God. God works all things together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose!

We Find Our Peace In Jesus

January 31, 2021 • Pastor Jim Amador

Throughout our lives many times we go through seasons of uncertainty, unrest, anxiety, or worry. There are many things we can do to calm us temporarily, but we can only find true peace in Jesus. Jesus is the Prince of Peace. God promises to give us a peace that surpasses all understanding that guards our hearts and minds. We need that kind of peace! Join us as Pastor Jim gives us four keys to help us find peace.

Taming Our Tongues

January 24, 2021 • Pastor Seth Amador

"Indeed, we all make many mistakes. For if we could control our tongues, we would be perfect and could also control ourselves in every other way." Our words have power - they can produce death and life. We can tame nearly every animal on earth yet we cannot control our tongues. When a wrong is done to us it is our natural reaction to retaliate. In todays age of technology it is much easier to retaliate via the internet and social media. Our words matter so much to God that we will be judged for every idle word that we say. God tells us to bless those who persecute us, love our enemies, pray for those who have hurt you, and in doing so we will receive a blessing.

Six and One

December 6, 2020 • Pastor Jim Amador

Throughout chapter three, we see a common theme of submission. Honoring our spouses through submission directly reflects our heart towards God. God has established the household with Jesus as the head and the husband as the leader. The man carries the responsibility of leading his wife and children as he follows Christ. Men are to nurture and protect their wives as they would valuable treasure. As the man leads, nurtures, and protects, the wife will naturally honor and submit to the leading of the husband. Through submission and honor of the wife and protection and nurturing from the husband, we see a flourishing household as God intended.

Who Are We Submitting To?

November 29, 2020 • Pastor Jim Amador

Throughout our current times we continually hear that Christians should fully submit to whatever mandates the government enforces on it's people. Is this always true? Should we always submit to governing authorities no matter what? There is a way to honor governing rulers but also not submit to every mandate the government enforces. We are to obey God rather than men! There may come a time where Christians may disobey government in order to stay obedient to God. Paul and Silas were imprisoned for proclaiming the Gospel and upon release they were instructed to not preach the Gospel anymore. Immediately upon release they went to the streets and proclaimed the message of the Gospel!

Jesus - A Rock of Offense

November 22, 2020 • Pastor Seth Amador

Throughout the Scriptures we see Jesus metaphorically compared to a rock or stone. He came to His own people but they rejected Him. He was a stumbling stone, a rock of offense. Many of the religious Jews did not know what to do with Jesus. He shifted the paradigm of their religious establishments and exposed the corruptness of their hearts. Although they rejected Him, He was the chief cornerstone that laid the foundation for His people. Because His people rejected Him, they were cut off from Him allowing us Gentiles to be grafted into the the family of God.

Good without God?

November 15, 2020 • Pastor Seth Amador

Can we be good without God? Do we need God, the Bible, or Christianity to be good people? People can do good things in a humanism sense, but not a ultimate moral sense. Without God, morality is subjective and relative based on personal or cultural beliefs and there is no ultimate moral obligations to be held. Without an objective, universal, moral standard outside of ourselves; ones personal moral standard cannot be expected to be considered or respected by other persons. Find out why all people abide by objective morality wether they believe in God or not.

A Living Hope

November 8, 2020 • Pastor Seth Amador

The 1st Epistle of Peter is an interactive letter to Christians who are dispersed due to persecution. Throughout the letter we see a constant theme of going "All In". Wether it's your walk with the Lord, marriage, facing trials, interacting with our culture, or working in ministry - Peter is telling us to go "All In" for the Lord.