
Christianity & Slavery

June 26, 2022 • Pastor Brian Jennings • Colossians 3:22–25, Colossians 4:1

Our pastors would like to encourage you to respond if you have needs or want prayer by emailing them at pastors@salem-bc.org, you can also contact our deacons at deacons@salem-bc.org.

Additionally, please remember that we have instructions for online, text, and mail giving of tithes and offerings available at www.Salem-BC.org/give

More from Christ In You

Stand Assured

July 17, 2022 • Pastor Brian Jennings • Colossians 4:7–18

Our pastors would like to encourage you to respond if you have needs or want prayer by emailing them at pastors@salem-http://bc.org, you can also contact our deacons at deacons@salem-http://bc.org. Additionally, please remember that we have instructions for online, text, and mail giving of tithes and offerings available at http://www.salem-bc.org/give

Make the Best Use of Time

July 10, 2022 • Pastor Brian Jennings • Colossians 4:2–6

Our pastors would like to encourage you to respond if you have needs or want prayer by emailing them at pastors@salem-http://bc.org, you can also contact our deacons at deacons@salem-http://bc.org. Additionally, please remember that we have instructions for online, text, and mail giving of tithes and offerings available at http://www.salem-bc.org/give

Christ In The Home

June 19, 2022 • Pastor Brian Jennings • Colossians 3:18–21

Our pastors would like to encourage you to respond if you have needs or want prayer by emailing them at pastors@salem-http://bc.org, you can also contact our deacons at deacons@salem-http://bc.org. Additionally, please remember that we have instructions for online, text, and mail giving of tithes and offerings available at http://www.salem-bc.org/give