

Becoming Carriers of God's Love

Carriers of God's Love

February 25, 2024 • Romeo Patagnan • Ephesians 2:1–10

In 1952, John Elliot and his missionary friends embarked on a perilous journey to an Ecuadorain island to spread the gospel among the Houarani Indians. Tragically, they faced hostility and were killed by the tribesmen. This incident raises the question of why some Christians are willing to sacrifice their lives for the sake of the gospel while others remain lukewarm and indifferent. Understanding the gospel's significance is crucial here. Many Christians attend church without fully grasping the need to serve others. Based on Ephesians 2:1-10, we can comprehend our state before salvation and our new life in Christ. Accepting Jesus as our Savior compels us to serve Him and be carriers of His love because salvation is a gift of grace. This realization should motivate us to dedicate ourselves to Him and share His love with those around us.

Sharing God's Love

February 18, 2024 • GV Lehayan • Colossians 4:2–6

While browsing TikTok, I discovered a captivating pastor named Cliffe Knechtle from Grace Community Church. He engages in discussions and debates about religion and philosophy at schools and public spaces. While we may not possess his level of knowledge and boldness, we are all called to share God's love. The Bible reminds us that we should speak as God's messengers when we share, but not all are called to preach. Colossians 4:2-6 provides guidance on how to participate in sharing God's love even from a distance. It emphasizes two methods: interceding for others through prayer and engaging in conversations that convey God's grace. By understanding these principles, we can effectively participate in spreading the love of God to our communities. Through this passage, we will see How we can participate in sharing God's love to others.

Living a Life Out of Love

February 11, 2024 • Jun Patagnan • Ephesians 5:15–21

Living a life of love requires an intentional decision to follow Christ everyday. He already gave us the power through his Spirit so that we can stop sinning and to live a life that is pleasing to him. This is not an easy task, it is an everyday battle so therefore we should be wise and apply these truths so that we can serve others more effectively.

Know Your True Identity

February 4, 2024 • Gerbert Reyes • Ephesians 5:1–10

As believers of Christ, we are summoned to embrace a life characterized by love. Our mission is to embody and spread God’s love. However, following this calling is not an easy thing to do. Various barriers hinder us from fully functioning as conduits of love. We grapple with personal insecurities, fear, and self-condemnation. Additionally, our biases and pride create obstacles. Consequently, extending our hands and hearts to share God’s love with others becomes a struggle. The challenges associated with becoming channels of God’s love can indeed lead some to choose indifference or inaction. It’s tempting to turn a blind eye to the needs of others and justify our lack of compassion. However, understanding and embracing the reasons behind our role as carriers of God’s love are crucial. Without this understanding, we risk leading a life devoid of sympathy or concern.