
Start to Finish (Jan 2017)

Make your life count

January 1, 2017 • Bong Baylon

Many people will send you wishes of a Happy and Prosperous New Year. But life is not about wishes. It's about intentionally seeking and pursuing the life that God wants for us in Christ.

Finding Your Life Purpose

January 8, 2017 • Rev. Bong Baylon

A lot of people do not know their life purpose or how to discover their life purpose. Listen to part two of our January series to know your life purpose.

True Success in Life

January 15, 2017 • Rev. Bong Baylon

What is true success in life? Your answer to this question determines what you will prioritize in your life, and also what you will value at the end of your life. Your definition of success is the determining factor for the direction of your life.

Setting Goals in Life

January 22, 2017 • Rev. Bong Baylon

You cannot live a meaningful and successful life unless you have goals. But what kinds of goals should you have? Our goals determine the direction of our lives. We need to know where to set goals.

Overcoming Challenges in Life

January 29, 2017 • Rev. Bong Baylon

Setting goals is crucial for the right direction of our lives. But there will always be challenges along the way. Overcoming these challenges will help us finish our Christian race well.

The Hidden Habits of the Heart

January 29, 2017 • Rev. Bong Baylon

The key to overcoming challenges and experiencing real transformation is to know about the hidden habits of the heart.

Learning to Pause

January 29, 2017 • Rev. Bong Baylon

Knowing about the hidden habits of the heart is not enough. You need to practice them one by one. The first habit of the heart is learning how to pause.

Learning to Process

January 29, 2017 • Rev. Bong Baylon

Knowing about the hidden habits of the heart is not enough. You need to practice them one by one. The second habit of the heart is learning how to process.

Learning to Pinpoint

January 29, 2017 • Rev. Bong Baylon

Knowing about the hidden habits of the heart is not enough. You need to practice them one by one. The third habit of the heart is learning how to pinpoint.

Learning to Practice

January 29, 2017 • Rev. Bong Baylon

Knowing about the hidden habits of the heart is not enough. You need to practice them one by one. The fourth and last habit of the heart is learning how to practice.