
What We Care About

Part 4

September 23, 2017 • Aybars Uckun

You have heard it said, “If everything is important, nothing is important. If we value everything, we don't value anything.” At Restoration we have six core values, and in fact, those six values make up our synagogue’s logo: six arrows forming a Jewish Star that point inward to symbolize the restoration God wants to do in everyone. We believe that real restoration begins inside of you and works its way to the people you do life with. In fact, that is the very reason we named our synagogue Restoration, because we believe God’s desire is to bring all of His creation - Jew and Gentile, male and female - back to Himself, all in order to restore the relationship between creation and its Creator. These six core values are issues our community cares most about, and everything we do as a synagogue comes back to these six core values.