

Power under Control - Matthew 5:3-5

Meekness with Family

September 26, 2021 • Matthew 5:5, Numbers 12

It's in our human nature to want to be in close relationship with others and some of our closest lifelong relationships are with family. No one loves like family and no one hurts like family. What happens when our family doesn't understand or outright resists God's plan for our lives? God is our defender in the midst of family strife, our lesson this week in "Meekness with Family".

Meekness in Testing

September 12, 2021 • Matthew 5:5, Hebrews 12:1–4

It's the other side of the Red Sea and Moses is a national hero. God has rescued Israel from the pursuing Egyptian army. The song of Moses is on everyone's lips. But God allows a test three short days later and memories of the victory wane as the thirsty people grumble. This week's message "Meekness in Testing" - how meekness responds when there is a divine test cleverly disguised as a national emergency.

Meekness in Need

September 19, 2021 • Matthew 5:5, Deuteronomy 8:2–6, Philippians 2:5–9, Philippians 4:11–13, Exodus 16

Nothing makes us feel more vulnerable than having a significant need that is a "must have" for us to continue forward. During these moments our faith is forged in the fire of our hunger and thirst for God's provision and God demonstrates His covenant love for us. Learn how meekness hungers for the provision of God this week in "Meekness in Need".

Meekness in Perplexity

September 5, 2021 • Matthew 5:5, Exodus 4, 1 Peter 5:6–7

Moses is on his way toward his calling as a deliverer. The Lord uses Moses' staff, which represents the successes and failures of the past, to convince the Israelites of his calling. Soon he will use it as a miracle-working instrument to convince the Egyptians to free the Hebrew slaves. Even with a divine calling and an anointed staff, he would experience set backs that look like (and feel like) failure. But doesn't being yoked together with the Lord in our kingdom calling guarantee success? Yes, as long as we measure success in the Lord's way and in the Lord's time. What does meekness look like when our forward progress is stalled or worse we feel like we're going backward? Join us for Meekness in Perplexity.

Meekness with God

August 29, 2021 • Amherst, NH • Matthew 5:5, 2 Peter 3:9, Exodus 4, Matthew 11:28–30

Human-facing meekness means we are gentle and don’t seek to retaliate when we are wronged. We can most relate to this aspect of meekness because it's something we wrestle with every day in a world filled with offenses. Yet meekness is also God-facing: how we respond to God. The Lord is perfect in thought and deed so meekness toward God ought to be easy, right? In theory it sounds easy, in practice conflict with those closest to us often gets in the way. If you've ever felt caught between obedience to God and conflict with a loved one, then this is the message for you.

Meekness Embraces Weakness

August 22, 2021 • Matthew 5:5, Exodus 3, 2 Corinthians 12:7–9

We learned that meekness grows from the revelation that we desperately need God’s power to fulfill our calling. As we continue on our journey, meekness begins to look and feel like weakness to the natural man. Our experience is the absolute opposite of a conquerer; we feel completely weak and incapable. But if we will press on, meekness learns to embrace the weakness and we find the power of the Lord to fulfill our calling.

Meekness in our Calling

August 15, 2021 • Matthew 5:5, Psalm 37, Hebrews 3:2, Isaiah 29:19

Last week we learned that meekness is a way to work that brings rest. Jesus invites the exhausted to enter into his new way to work so we can cease from burdens that we were not meant to carry as we learn to work with God by faith. This week we continue our series entitled Meekness in our Calling. We'll learn to discern the yoke that is easy and the burden that is light. If you are feeling overwhelmed with life and work, then this is the message for you!


August 8, 2021 • Matthew 5:5, Matthew 11:28–30, Luke 11:46, Hebrews 4:9–11, 1 Peter 3:4

Jesus made an astonishing statement in Matthew 5:5 "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth." but then gave no word as to how the meek inherit the earth. The meek are the ‘gentle’… those who do not assert themselves over others in order to further their own agenda. This is the total opposite of the world's system where might makes right and aggression gains possession. How can the apparent weakness of meekness overcome the no-holds-barred aggression of the world? Join us for our new series as we unlock the secrets of the meek mystique.