
Jesus Changes Everything

The Sermon On The Mount

Built On Solid Ground

August 13, 2023 • Matt Burks • Matthew 7:24–29

Join us for an impactful sermon based on Matthew 7:24-29, where we delve into Jesus' final warning to His followers at the conclusion of the Sermon On The Mount. This powerful message holds a timeless truth that resonates through the ages. Discover the profound message behind this story of two builders, both hearing Jesus' words, building houses, and facing storms. As we explore the similarities and differences in their experiences, we uncover the deeper layers of meaning that extend beyond our present circumstances. This story isn't about fleeting success or immediate gains; it's about building a foundation that withstands the storms of life and secures our eternal future. It emphasizes the importance of choosing the one true religion—the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In response to this message, we are called to accurately preach the Gospel, ensuring that its life-transforming truth is shared faithfully. Furthermore, we are challenged to live out the Gospel in our daily lives, rooted in the solid foundation of Christ, and focused on the eternal impact of our choices. Join us as we delve into the profound teachings of Jesus, gaining insights that resonate far beyond the temporal, and embracing the call to build our lives on the unshakable foundation of the Gospel.

Beware of False Prophets

August 6, 2023 • Brannen Padgett • Matthew 7:15–23

Join us for a compelling sermon based on Matthew 7:15-23, where we delve into the essential message of watchfulness and discernment in the Kingdom of God. Jesus warns us to be on guard against false prophets, and in this thought-provoking message, we learn the key ways to identify them. Discover the telltale signs of false prophets as we examine their motivations, character, biblical convictions, and mission. Are they centered on Jesus, or do they seek personal glory and agendas? Are their actions and decisions aligned with godly character and grace? These crucial questions lead us to evaluate and protect the purity of the church, the bride of Christ. Furthermore, we are reminded to examine our own hearts, as individuals can also stray from the true mission of the Gospel. It's not only about calling out false prophets but also about watching our own hearts to ensure we remain firmly rooted in Jesus' mission of proclaiming His name and making disciples. Join us as we embrace the call to be watchful and discerning in the Kingdom, safeguarding the truth of God's Word and staying true to the mission of sharing the Gospel with the world. Let us be good trees, bearing good fruit, and standing strong against any form of deception, guided by the wisdom and grace of our Savior.

The Golden Rule

July 30, 2023 • Brannen Padgett • Matthew 7:12–14

Join us for a compelling sermon based on Matthew 7:12-14, where we explore the depth and significance of the highest moral teaching - the Golden Rule. Whether we grew up in the church or not, we've likely encountered various rules in life, but today, we discover the best way to live. In this thought-provoking message, we examine the Iron Rule of "Might makes right," the Wooden Rule of "Do unto others what they do to you," and the Silver Rule of "Don't do to others what you would not have them do to you." While these rules have been part of human history, the Golden Rule sets itself apart by urging us not only to avoid harmful actions but to actively engage in acts of love and kindness. As we explore the profound commitment of the Golden Rule, we are reminded of our dedication to King Jesus. This powerful teaching spurs us to action and propels us into a life of compassion, empathy, and selflessness. Moreover, we witness God's commitment to us, as He exemplifies the essence of the Golden Rule in His love and care for His children.

Powerful Prayers

July 23, 2023 • Brannen Padgett • Matthew 7:7–11

oin us for a transformative sermon based on Matthew 7:7-11, where we delve into the profound truth that persistent prayers are powerful prayers. In this thought-provoking message, we explore the parameters that shape our prayers and the key to unlocking their potency. At the core of our prayers lies the understanding that we approach the Father through Jesus. Scripture emphasizes the exclusivity of accessing the one true God through Christ's sacrificial death, paving the way for an open line of communication with the Father. Furthermore, we examine the alignment of our prayers with God's character and will. Prayers seeking personal greatness or driven by selfish passions are not heard. Instead, our hearts must be free from sin, and our obedience is directly linked to God's response to our prayers. The sermon also emphasizes the importance of deep-level trust and confidence in God. Faith in His sovereignty and capability to intervene in any situation is crucial in approaching Him with our requests. Join us as we learn the art of persistence and faith in prayer, understanding that it is not just about what we get but, most importantly, about the intimate connection we have with God. Experience the power of prayer as we align our hearts with His will and place our unwavering trust in His faithful and loving response.

Judging Rightly

July 16, 2023 • Austin Nesvacil • Matthew 7:1–5

Join us for a thought-provoking sermon based on Matthew 7:1-5, where we explore the powerful message of Jesus regarding judgment. In a culture that wrestles with the concept of making judgments, we delve into the better way of judging rightly, guided by a heart transformed by grace. Discover the truth that Jesus isn't prohibiting judgment altogether, but rather guiding us in how to judge rightly. Our ability to discern the world around us hinges on the condition of our hearts. The biggest obstacle to judging rightly is an angry and bitter heart, one that seeks to condemn rather than uplift and restore. Through the lens of the Gospel, we understand that as people pursuing godliness, our judgment should stem from a heart transformed by the grace and mercy of God. It is not our place to condemn, but rather to extend the same grace we have received. Join us as we respond to this message by examining our hearts, repenting of our own sins, and embracing the transformative power of the Gospel. Let us become a people who reflect the heart of Christ, extending grace, mercy, and restoration to those around us.

Overcoming Worry

July 9, 2023 • Caleb Oliver • Matthew 6:25–34

Join us for a transformative sermon based on Matthew 6:25-34, where we delve into the powerful message of Jesus regarding worry. In this thought-provoking message, we explore the command Jesus gives us: "Do not worry." Discover why worry is unnecessary, unproductive, and unworthy of a Christian. Through the text of Matthew 6:25-34, we gain practical insights on how to respond to worry. We learn that worrying will not change anything and that living one day at a time is key. Additionally, we are encouraged to seek God's Kingdom first, aligning our priorities with His perfect plan. Discover the powerful truth that worry is incompatible with faith. As believers, we have a Heavenly Father who knows our needs and is perfect in all His ways. Let us cast our cares upon Him, trusting that He will provide and sustain us. Join us for this inspiring sermon, and learn how to overcome worry by placing your trust fully in God, knowing that He is faithful and will meet every need. Don't let worry rob you of joy and peace. Instead, embrace the assurance that comes from trusting in the One who holds your life in His hands.

All In For The Kingdom

July 2, 2023 • Doug Oliver • Matthew 6:19–24

Join us for an impactful sermon based on Matthew 6:19-24 as we explore the powerful message Jesus delivers through a trio of illustrations. In this thought-provoking message, we delve into the core truth of being wholeheartedly committed to the Kingdom of Heaven. Discover the significance of two treasures and how we use the wealth entrusted to us by God. Learn how our choices align with our loyalty and reveal the true nature of our hearts. Explore the importance of cultivating a clear vision, free from distortions, as we confront personal biases and allow the light of truth to guide us. Furthermore, we delve into the concept of being all in for Christ, with no "time off" as His followers. Join us as we embrace the call to be all in for the Kingdom, dedicating ourselves to undivided devotion to Jesus. Experience the transformative power of surrendering our treasures, aligning our vision, and embracing a lifelong relationship with our Lord.

Dependence and Deliverance

June 25, 2023 • Brannen Padgett • Matthew 6:9–15

Join us for a transformative sermon as we explore the second half of The Lord's Prayer from Matthew 6:9-15. Discover the profound truth that prayer is not only about the intimate connection we have with God, but also about declaring our complete dependence upon Him. In this inspiring message, we delve into the significance of each phrase of the prayer, unraveling its depth and relevance in our daily lives. From "Give us this day our daily bread," we learn to bring our needs before the Father, acknowledging His role as the ultimate provider of our sustenance and provision. Through intercession, we cultivate selflessness and responsiveness to the needs of others, aligning our hearts with God's compassion. Additionally, we explore the powerful link between asking for forgiveness and extending forgiveness to others. As we confront our own sins and embrace the transformative power of forgiveness, we experience freedom and restoration in our relationships. Finally, we recognize the spiritual battle surrounding us and turn to God as our leader and deliverer, seeking His guidance, protection, and deliverance from the schemes of the enemy.

Approaching God

June 18, 2023 • Brannen Padgett • Matthew 6:5–10

Join us for a profound sermon on the heart of prayer, focusing on the first half of The Lord's Prayer from Matthew 6:5-10. In this message, we delve into the true essence of prayer, emphasizing that it is not just about what we ask for, but about the intimate connection we have with God. Prayer is not a show or a mindless routine; it is an opportunity to approach God as a loving Father, just as a child approaches their earthly father, fostering a deep and personal relationship. Through a careful examination of the prayer's phrases, such as "Hallowed be Your Name" and "Your Kingdom come, Your will be done," we explore the significance of recognizing God's holiness, revering His name, and aligning our desires with His divine purpose. Join us as we embark on a spiritual journey of prayer, learning to approach God with childlike trust, seeking His will above all else, and experiencing the transformative power of connecting with Him on a profound level.

Reorienting Our Appetites

June 11, 2023 • Caleb Oliver • Matthew 6:1–6, Matthew 6:16–18

In this powerful sermon, we dive into the heart behind our righteous actions as highlighted in Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18. The sermon on the Mount is a comprehensive message that encompasses both our horizontal relationships with others and our vertical relationship with God. Join us as we explore the theme of what truly satisfies our hunger and how the Kingdom of Heaven reorients our appetites. We will delve into the spiritual disciplines of giving, fasting, and prayer, understanding that they are not isolated acts but an extension of the characteristics and actions discussed in previous weeks. Discover the transformative power of seeking the Kingdom of Heaven in our lives. Our self-centered hunger is replaced with a hunger for righteousness. Earthly acclaim fades as we thirst for heavenly rewards. And ultimately, our hearts find true satisfaction in the love of God the Father.

Radical Love

June 4, 2023 • Brannen Padgett • Matthew 5:38–48

In this eye-opening sermon, inspired by Matthew 5:38-48, we delve into the profound message of Jesus regarding retaliation and the transformative power of love. The Sermon on the Mount is known for its radical and provocative teachings, and this passage stands as one of Jesus' most challenging and revolutionary teachings. Join us as we reconsider what retaliation truly means for Christians. Instead of responding with anger, hatred, or vengeance, Jesus calls us to respond with love. Love becomes our retaliation, as we choose to do good to those who hate us, bless those who curse us, and pray for those who mistreat us.

Living in Truth

May 28, 2023 • Matt Burks • Matthew 5:33–37

In this thought-provoking sermon, inspired by Matthew 5:33-37, we delve into the significance of being people of truth. As followers of God, it is crucial for us to embody and uphold truth in our lives. Discover practical ways to become a person of truth: keeping our word and commitments, and living in such a way that a simple "yes" or "no" is sufficient. Our integrity matters, and even the smallest acts of truthfulness have a significant impact on our character formation. Join us as we explore the reasons why we should strive to become people of truth. Our words hold weight and influence, shaping our relationships and reflecting our faith. Moreover, we are reminded that God Himself is faithful in keeping His Word to us.


May 21, 2023 • Matt Burks • Matthew 5:31–32

In this sermon, based on Matthew 5:31-32, we delve into the profound truths about marriage and its significance. We explore three key points: 1. Marriage is designed to point to the intimacy and fidelity of Christ and His bride. It serves as a reflection of the deep connection and faithfulness between Christ and His Church. 2. Marriage is a covenant, not merely a contract. It goes beyond legal agreements and instead embodies a sacred commitment to love, honor, and support one another. 3. Marriage has the potential to foster personal growth. Through the various types of intimacy—spiritual, recreational, physical, intellectual, and emotional—husbands and wives can cultivate a deeper bond and continuously develop as individuals within the marital relationship. Whether you are single, married, or divorced, this message offers valuable insights. If you are single, it encourages you to approach marriage with discernment and avoid rushing into unhealthy relationships. If you are married, it challenges you to invest in your relationship, embracing the role you play in reflecting the image of Christ with your spouse. And if you are divorced, it reminds you that with Jesus, there is always good news and the potential for wholeness from brokenness.


May 7, 2023 • Brannen Padgett • Matthew 5:17–20

In this video, we explore the idea that Jesus is the fulfillment of the Law, as outlined in Matthew 5:17-20. The Law serves to point out the problem of sin and the need for a Savior. Jesus fulfilled the Law by living a sinless life and becoming the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. As followers of Christ, the Law leads us to holiness. It shows us what is right and wrong and guides us in our pursuit of righteousness. This message challenges us to reflect on our own lives and consider where we may be lacking in holiness. What areas of our lives do we need to repent of and ask God for forgiveness? How can we continue to grow in our pursuit of holiness? Join us in exploring these questions and learning more about how Jesus is the fulfillment of the Law. Let's strive to live in a way that honors God and reflects His holiness to the world around us.

Living a Life of Kingdom Influence

April 30, 2023 • Austin Nesvacil • Matthew 5:13–16

In this video, we explore the concept of living a life of Kingdom influence as outlined in Matthew 5:13-16. Jesus uses the analogies of salt and light to describe the impact that his followers should have on the world around them. However, there are two temptations that we can fall into: to become so much like the culture around us that we can no longer fight the corruption in it, or to hide the Gospel within us and not share it with others. We are called to be salt and light in the world, to bring flavor and illumination to a dark and tasteless world. This message challenges us to reflect on our own lives and consider whether we are living in a way that reflects the influence of the Kingdom of God.