
Unlocking the Mystery of Unanswered Prayers

February 11, 2024 • Brannen Padgett • John 14:12–14

Have you ever wondered why some prayers seem to go unanswered? Join us for today's powerful message, grounded in John 14:12-14, as we unravel the mysteries behind prayers that seemingly remain unheard. Let's navigate the nuances together and discover the transformative power of aligned doctrine, pure motives, repentance, and unwavering faith.

Key Points:

* Wrong Doctrine: Understand the importance of directing prayers to the right source. Align your beliefs with the biblical truth to enhance the effectiveness of your prayers.

* Wrong Motive: Explore the significance of praying with motives that glorify God. Learn from biblical examples how God responds when our intentions align with His glory.

* Sin: Reflect on the role of sin in hindering prayer. Address the crucial question: "Do I have unconfessed and unrepentant sin in my life?"

* Lack of Faith: Examine the impact of faith on prayer. Challenge yourself with the question: "Do I truly believe that God could intervene in my situation?"

Facing Disappointment? Don't Give Up!

If you've experienced the frustration of seemingly unanswered prayers, this message is for you. Discover practical insights and biblical truths that encourage perseverance and strengthen your connection with God.

Our Response:

As we explore these aspects, remember that the journey of prayer is an ongoing conversation with God. Even in the face of disappointment, don't give up. Embrace the transformative power of aligned doctrine, pure motives, repentance, and unwavering faith.

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Difficulty in Prayer

March 24, 2024 • Matt Burks • Matthew 26:36–46

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Unshakeable Confidence

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From Character to Works

March 10, 2024 • Brannen Padgett • Psalm 135:1–18

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