

Rice Broocks

Rice Broocks

Frank Turek on the Ministry of Reasonable Faith

Frank Turek

Frank Turek

Frank Turek on the Ministry of Reasonable Faith

JP Moreland

J.P. Moreland

J.P. Moreland on the Ministry of Reasonable Faith


Have you ever wondered what role Christian apologetics can play in an individual's life? This testimonial tells one man's journey of how apologetics brought him back into a relationship with God. For more, checkout the Reasonable Faith podcast featuring his story, called "Confessions of a Former Atheist."

Rick Warren

Lee Strobel

Josh & Sean McDowell

Both Sean and Josh know that everyone has a faith story, but not everyone knows the solid reasons upon which their faith rests. Part of the calling of Reasonable Faith is to change that. We’re here to provide intelligent, winsome answers for those who are seeking to find the truth of the Gospel.

Josh McDowell

Sean McDowell

In today’s post-Christian culture, more and more young people are being challenged on the central beliefs Christian have held dear for centuries. Even those raised in the church can fall into a season of doubt. Just listen to well-known speaker and author Sean McDowell, son of renowned apologist Josh McDowell

Mark Mittelberg

Stuart McAllister


A powerful testimony about this youth pastor's life-changing encounter with one his students who challenged Tim to defend what he believed. A must-watch!

