
The Demonstration of Power

March 20, 2016

March 20, 2016 • Pastor Sean Azzaro

The struggle for power has been the root cause of many evils. The Scripture presents a model for power that is not destructive, but peaceful, transformative, and beneficial to all. What can we learn about this power and how God wants to use it to impact the world around us.

Show Me!

March 13, 2016 • Pastor Sean Azzaro

From its inception, Christianity was a movement that went viral. Early believers had certain qualities that led non-­believers to change their mind and join the faith. What were the qualities of this infectious faith and how can we live consistent with those qualities today?

Like a Plague

March 6, 2016 • Pastor Sean Azzaro

Christianity is a movement. From the beginning, the movement spread like a virus from person to person, through the sharing of stories. This message will describe what an infectious church looks like and how individual believers can influence people outside their circle.