
Responsibility to Follow

July 26, 2015 • Pastor Richard Schmidt

The way to learn how to lead responsibly is to follow. Elisha demonstrated this by faithfully following Elijah, eventually becoming Elijah's successor when Elijah was taken up to Heaven. We are to show that same faithfulness in following God, learning what He has to teach us and searching out His will. It is only from this foundation that we can become an effective leader for Him.

Responsibility to Take Care of God's World

July 19, 2015 • Pastor Richard Schmidt

The Book of Genesis shows us that God made the world and everything in it, and He entrusted Adam, Eve, and their descendants to take care of it. He doesn't want it to take the place of Him, but that should never be our excuse in neglecting those things God made and called "good". Knowing this, we should respond with our ability to be the caretakers of His creation that He has called us to be.