
February 2017

The Monkey and the Coconut

February 28, 2017 • Pastor Glen Curry

Pastor Glen talks about the trap of holding on to negative things from your past.

What Does My Future Hold

February 27, 2017 • Pastor Glen Curry

In today’s broadcast, Pastor Glen talks about how not to sideline your future by dragging your past failures, regrets, struggles, pains, and memories into your now.

The Shout of Faith

February 24, 2017 • Pastor Glen Curry

The shout of faith demonstrates that you already believe that God has provided what you need.

Be Consistent—God is Working

February 23, 2017 • Pastor Glen Curry

God has done everything for the believer, but we must do the believing knowing that God is working on our behalf.

Positive Self-Correct

February 22, 2017 • Pastor Glen Curry and Lisa Cumes

When a pilot flies a plane off direction, he uses a compass to correct the plane back onto the right path. On today’s broadcast, Pastor Glen and Lisa discuss how we must use self-correction to ensure we are heading in the right direction.

There’s a Time to Shout and a Time to Hush-up

February 21, 2017 • Pastor Glen Curry

There are times when we should shout and times when we need to hush-up and simply believe God.

The Silence of Faith

February 20, 2017 • Pastor Glen Curry

Joshua 6:10, And Joshua had commanded the people, saying, Ye shall not shout, nor make any noise with your voice, neither shall any word proceed out of your mouth… Likewise, there’s a time when we need to have the silence of faith.

The Patience of Faith

February 17, 2017 • Pastor Glen Curry

Patience is consistency. It is steadfastness and endurance in performing a task. It is continuing on with a beneficial discipline towards a desired end. Faith and patience together give you the ability to hang on to God’s Word regardless of circumstances, and until the circumstances change.

The Obedience of Faith

February 16, 2017 • Pastor Glen Curry

In John 9, Jesus told the blind man to go wash in a certain pool. He obeyed Jesus and came back seeing. The obedience of faith moves the hand of God to help you.

Don’t Make Mountains Out of Molehills

February 15, 2017 • Pastor Glen Curry and Lisa Cumes

In today’s episode, Pastor Glen and Lisa talk about how emotions can turn something small into something bigger than it needs to be. Worry, fear, and anxiety are emotions that start with our thinking. If we change our thinking we can change our feelings about a situation.

How the Command of Faith Works

February 14, 2017 • Pastor Glen Curry

The responsibility of gaining knowledge is yours. God gave you His Word, but it is up to you to find out what He has to say. You can’t believe God for something if you don’t know it’s available.

God’s Recipe of Faith

February 13, 2017 • Pastor Glen Curry

Many wonderful people are engaged in a conflict. It could be spiritual, physical, mental, or financial. You will need to know God’s recipe of faith if you’re going to get the God kind of results.

How Jairus Received His Miracle

February 10, 2017 • Pastor Glen Curry

Jairus received his miracle from Jesus because in the face of contrary circumstances, he kept believing as Jesus instructed him to.

Three Levels of Receiving God’s Word

February 9, 2017 • Pastor Glen Curry

The promises of God are your ammunition when you are in a life and death situation. Today, Pastor Glen explains how to use the three levels of receiving God’s promises.

Feelings Are Like Indicator Lights on Your Dashboard

February 8, 2017 • Pastor Glen Curry and Lisa Cumes

Feelings are like the lights on your car dashboard keeping you alert to the condition of your car. Today, Pastor Glen and Lisa discuss how our emotions help us to know if our thinking is healthy or needs a check up.