
Kingdom Advancement

September 11, 2016 • Lester Zimmerman

How do we advance God’s kingdom in practical ways. God’s kingdom is not political in nature. God’s kingdom advances across the earth no matter if a dictator, prime minister or king is in power. It advances in countries closed to the gospel and those open to the gospel.
In fact, the church is often more strong and pure where there is resistance to the gospel and biblical values. We see that being played out in our day. God is sorting out the wheat and the chaff right now in America. It is becoming clear who the real church is and the compromising church.

Kingdom Living

September 4, 2016 • Jim Wetzel

This is the second teaching in a series of three teachings on the Kingdom of God. Last week Pastor Lester gave us an overview and introduction to the meaning of the Kingdom of God. Today this teaching will focus on Kingdom living, that is to say, how do redeemed followers of Jesus live in his Kingdom. But to begin I want review some of the concepts Lester touched on last week. To understand the nature of the Kingdom of God it is important to understand the nature of mankind. In Genesis 1:27, we are told that God created man in His own image, “in the image of God he created him, male and female he created them”. So from this we know we are created in God’s image. Which means of course, not that we look like God, but that our being is in God’s image. We are a triune being as God is triune. God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit, one God, yet three persons. So we are triune in our nature, we are a spirit, which as soul, which lives in a body

Kingdom People

August 28, 2016 • Lester Zimmerman

Today we are beginning a three-part series on the Kingdom of God. The understanding of being part of a kingdom is central to our Christian faith but is often not emphasized or understood by much of the church. We talk about being saved and born again but that is just part of the gospel message. We are not only called to be saved, we are called to embrace and participate in the advancement of God’s kingdom on earth. - The understanding of the kingdom lies at the very heart of the gospel. The way you and I live our lives is directly related to our understanding of the Kingdom of God. As a young Christian I was not taught about the kingdom of God. My spiritual goal was to endure until Jesus comes and make it to heaven. Our goal in this study is that we would become more kingdom minded in how we think and how we live our everyday lives. - We want to seek first the kingdom. Live and breathe the kingdom. - We want to become kingdom people that confront the forces of darkness and advance God’s agenda on the earth. Jesus message is not just about being saved it is about us becoming part of a kingdom that is invading the earth. Wherever Jesus went he talked to the people about the Kingdom of God. That was his main message. But he didn’t just talk about the kingdom he also demonstrated the power of the kingdom.