

May 10, 2015 • Dale Oquist

The characters of the Book of Ruth know all about severe disappointment. Sunday’s teaching hit on those moments of life that seem unfair if not altogether cruel, and how God turns it all around.
The story found in Ruth is one of the most beautiful short stories in all of literature. It has the tension of tragedy and the glory of restoration and redemption. This story is a small version of the biggest narrative of redemption through Jesus. Yet there are many, many lessons to glean from this short story.


May 3, 2015 • Dale Oquist

Pastor Dale continued our “I love a good story” series today with the great and epic story of David and Goliath. This story is not so much about human courage and effort. It is more about the awesome power of a life built on bold faith in God. Based upon that, Goliath really had no chance, right? So, is this really an underdog story? Or, who is ultimately the underdog? David had a deep faith and deep confidence in God. He had sheep to take care of and God helped him do that, so God would help him take care of Israel! The giant we face is that which intimidates us to the point of keeping us from taking God at His word!


April 26, 2015 • Dale Oquist

Pastor Dale continued our “I love a Good Story” series on Sunday with the story of Gideon. It is a story of grace and growing up. It is about trust in God. It is about learning what is means that “when I am weak, then I am strong” (2 Corinthians 12:10). It is about knowing that even in the toughest times of our lives, God has not abandoned us, but is with us as much as when everything is going great.


April 12, 2015 • Dale Oquist

Bible teachers remind us that the Old Testament is the New Testament illustrated. For every truth of the New Testament, there is an Old Testament story that illustrates it. Last week on Easter we talked about the resurrection of Jesus. What Old Testament story illustrates the resurrection? It is the story we studied Sunday. By the end of the story, we will learn again that resurrection is a revival of hope and changes the story of our lives. We will be encouraged that Jesus is on the other side of all our stories.