
Blessing Out of Curse

January 11, 2015 • Dale Oquist

Do you remember the times in your life when you ran into some random person you happen to meet, and find out you are connected to that person in numerous ways. The phrase we use at that moment is… “It’s a small world.” We use it to express how connected the human race is despite the size of the planet and population growth. An individual unknowingly infected with Ebola in West Africa can fly to America and eventually instill fear in an entire nation. We are more connected than we think.


March 8, 2015 • Dale Oquist

Moses gets the Israelites prepared for those moments they will have in the Promised Land with some important instructions. Really, only one instruction – which is to remember God, is with them.

Are We There Yet?

March 1, 2015 • Dale Oquist

Moses was taking the people of Israel on a little road trip. It was intended to be an eleven-day journey but ended up lasting 40 years. This period of time in their history is called the “Wilderness Wandering.” It was a time of testing (Deuteronomy 8:2) to reveal the disposition of the people of God. It was a time of humbling for them to cure them of self-reliance. It was a time of teaching (Deuteronomy 8:3) making sure they were reminded that we need more than food to keep us alive and thriving.

When Divine Becomes Mundane

February 22, 2015 • Dale Oquist

Have you ever heard the phrase, “First World problems?” It is when we complain about something inconvenient in our comfort-saturated world. It is a “problem” the rest of the world doesn’t have. Likewise, the Israelites should have been content with how God was providing supernaturally for them, yet, they weren’t. (All started with Adam and Eve, I guess. They had EVERYTHING and weren’t satisfied.)