
Hope Revealed Part 3

Empty Power

April 9, 2017 • Tyler Ward

This Easter season, we'll embark on a four-week journey through the final days of Jesus. From his triumphal entry into Jerusalem, to his last supper, crucifixion, and empty tomb... we'll remember our Savior—his life, death, and resurrection—and what these events mean for our lives today.

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Hope Revealed Part 4

April 16, 2017 • Ron Williams

HOPE REVEALED This Easter season, we'll embark on a four-week journey through the final days of Jesus. From his triumphal entry into Jerusalem, to his last supper, crucifixion, and empty tomb... we'll remember our Savior—his life, death, and resurrection—and what these events mean for our lives today.

Hope Revealed Part 2

April 2, 2017 • Tyler Ward

HOPE REVEALED This Easter season, we'll embark on a four-week journey through the final days of Jesus. From his triumphal entry into Jerusalem, to his last supper, crucifixion, and empty tomb... we'll remember our Savior—his life, death, and resurrection—and what these events mean for our lives today.

Hope Revealed Part 1

March 26, 2017 • Ron Williams

HOPE REVEALED This Easter season, we'll embark on a four-week journey through the final days of Jesus. From his triumphal entry into Jerusalem, to his last supper, crucifixion, and empty tomb... we'll remember our Savior—his life, death, and resurrection—and what these events mean for our lives today.