
God is the Center

July 19, 2023 • Allison Bramlett

Tune in tonight for our previously recorded Midweek Message. Pastor Allison Bramletts talk about how God is the center of our lives. We don't need to order things by importance, God is the center and everything revolves around Him. Whenever we seek His blessings and promises, we need to make sure our focus is on God, not just the blessings.

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The Importance of the Word

August 6, 2023 • Gregory Pope

Tune in this morning for our previously recorded Sunday Service! Today Pastor Gregory shares the importance of the Word of God. We have to make time to dive into God's Word and listen to Him. The only thing we sacrifice when doing this is not following God's will. So make sure to follow God, stay in the Word, and spend time in prayer. Doing these things will bring God's blessings into your life and lead to a prosperous future. If you’re a new friend, click on this link to fill out a new friend card online! https://oneconnection.org/new-friends Check out our new Covenant Merch at https://https://http://www.oneconnection.org/shophttp://www.oneconnection.org/shop Make sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram, @covenantchurch2. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel here: https://rebrand.ly/fcw9jxa Download our Covenant Church App here: Apple Devices: https://rebrand.ly/s3nb5hq Android Devices: https://rebrand.ly/7w1r1tx Give Online: https://covenantchurchdouglas.http/churchcenter.com/giving

Be Quiet

August 2, 2023 • Russ Fender

Tune in to our previously recorded Wednesday Night Message. Tonight, Pastor Russ Fender teaches the importance of our words. Life and death are in the power of the tongue, so we are responsible for speaking blessings into our lives or shutting the blessings down. We need to learn to be quiet, listen to the Lord, and then speak what He is speaking. If you’re a new friend, click on this link to fill out a new friend card online! https://oneconnection.org/new-friends Check out our new Covenant Merch at https://https://http://www.oneconnection.org/shophttp://www.oneconnection.org/shop Make sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram, @covenantchurch2. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel here: https://rebrand.ly/fcw9jxa Download our Covenant Church App here: Apple Devices: https://rebrand.ly/s3nb5hq Android Devices: https://rebrand.ly/7w1r1tx Give Online: https://covenantchurchdouglas.http/churchcenter.com/giving

Prepare for the Position

July 30, 2023 • Allison Bramlett, Gregory Pope

Tune in today for our previously recorded Sunday Morning Message. Today, Pastors Allison Bramlett and Gregory Pope share on the importance of preparing yourself for the position that God has for you. We need to be in the Word, listen to the Holy Spirit, and obey God so that we are ready for the position and blessings that God has given us. If you’re a new friend, click on this link to fill out a new friend card online! https://oneconnection.org/new-friends Check out our new Covenant Merch at https://https://http://www.oneconnection.org/shophttp://www.oneconnection.org/shop Make sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram, @covenantchurch2. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel here: https://rebrand.ly/fcw9jxa Download our Covenant Church App here: Apple Devices: https://rebrand.ly/s3nb5hq Android Devices: https://rebrand.ly/7w1r1tx Give Online: https://covenantchurchdouglas.http/churchcenter.com/giving