
Become a Person of Influence


Turn it Around

March 21, 2010 • Chris Edmondson • Esther 10, Esther 5, Esther 6, Esther 7, Esther 8

As the book of Esther closes, it does so with a call to remember. As the Jewish people move forward, they are called to stop once a year and celebrate the dramatic deliverance that occurred when it seemed as though their lot had been cast. We too should take time to remember what God has done, for when we do this it provides much needed perspective on our current circumstances.

For Such A Time As This

March 14, 2010 • Chris Edmondson • Romans 10:13–14, Esther 4

Are you willing you make a difference with those around you? Through a national crisis, God pushed Esther into the open about her true identity. The same thing God called Esther to do, God is calling you and I to do. He wants us to come out into the open with our relationship with Him and show our true identity to everyone around us. And just like Esther, there are millions of lives at stake. Will Esther stay quiet and keep her secret? Will you stay quiet and keep your relationship with God a secret?


March 7, 2010 • Chris Edmondson • Ezekiel 18:30, Exodus 34:7, Esther 3, Proverbs 16:33, 1 Samuel 15:3–23

Sin always brings consequences that never end with just you.

Your Past and God’s Plan

February 28, 2010 • Chris Edmondson • Esther 2, Jeremiah 29:11, 1 Corinthians 1:26–28

Both Mordecai and Esther had a painful past. Mordecai in captivity, and Esther was an orphan. What do you do with painful memories and a painful past? Should be consumed by our past and be held in bondage to it, or should we pretend that it never happen and repress it? Or is there a third option—allowing God to use your past and turn it into a wonderful plan for your future.

Behind the Scenes God

February 21, 2010 • Chris Edmondson • Esther 1, Psalm 139:7, Ephesians 1:11

1%. It appears to be such an insignificant percentage. Can a fraction that small affect the whole? You might be surprised. History reminds us that 1% of a group of people can impact the other 99%. During the 1960’s, Dr. Martin Luther King led the civil rights movement with only 1% of the U.S. population on board. During the 1420’s, a teenage girl named Joan of Arc led 3,000 French knights into battle, achieving her goal with less than 1% of the population. And in 483 B.C., God used 1 Jewish girl to save the lives of millions of Jews from annihilation.