
Jason Bourne

At the Movies 2016, Part 3

July 31, 2016 • Luther Ramsey

Who are you?
What defines you?

Your appearance
fitness level
tattoos, piercings
Your job or career
title or rank
profession: lawyer, teacher, nurse, policeman, pilot, medic, hairstylist, etc
Your relationships?

denomination or church membership
5th group or some other unit
Titans fan/UT/Alabama
Democrat or Republican or Libertarian or
Independent or maybe the Bud Light Party
Your Stuff?

Portfolio or retirement account
Car/boat/RV (boys and their toys)
Vacation home
these things aren’t who you are. They are what you do. They are who you do it with. They are what you have. But they are NOT who you are.

These things are not necessarily evil on their own. There is nothing wrong with having a career you enjoy and are well paid for. There is nothing wrong with having great relationships – in fact, God created us as relational beings who log for community. There is nothing wrong with planning for your future or having nice things. The problem comes when we place our faith in these things and find our identity in them.

The Good Lie

July 24, 2016 • Patrick Fowler

The world is in great crisis…but too often we only hear about the crisis involving celebrities and American politics. If we are not careful, we will adopt a mentality of only helping local, visible people in need and ignoring the great needs in our world today. That’s not what God wishes for us to do…and a brief look into his teaching and the real world news should help us to change our focus, hopefully in a way that leads to our adoption of a habit for helping others.

Finding Nemo

July 17, 2016 • Chris Edmondson • Luke 15, Luke 19:10

When Nemo disobeys his father and gets swept away far from his home, his father Marlin travels thousands of miles in order to find and bring his son back home. Finding Nemo is all about the great lengths a Father will go to rescue his missing son. We all have times when we feel far from our Heavenly Father. Some of us walked away, while others of us drifted without even realizing it. How we got there doesn’t matter. What matters is you and I have a Heavenly Father who is willing to cross vast depths in order for us to be reunited with Him. BIG IDEA: God is a Father who loves you and will do anything to rescue you.