
Connect With God

Ownership, Part 1

September 7, 2014 • Chris Edmondson • Psalm 119, Luke 19:10

The Bible, quiet times spent with God, prayer—these are things we need when we embark on a relationship with God. We desire to connect with God, but there are so many things that get in the way or discourage us. Our schedules are jam‐packed and it seems impossible to squeeze God in. Everywhere we turn, there is someone vying for our
attention or needing something. But, what trips us up the most is not having a clear picture of what it looks like to have a quiet time.

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Leaving a Legacy

September 28, 2014 • Chris Edmondson • Luke 6:12–16

When we think of church, why is a building the first thing that comes to mind? Is church a place full of robes and pews? Bands and banners? Or is church meant to refer to something different?

Connect With The Church

September 21, 2014 • Chris Edmondson • Matthew 14:13–21

What kind of person does God use? As you read through the Bible it becomes clear that God doesn’t usually use the smartest or the most sophisticated person. He doesn’t often use someone who has all the answers or who knows what he is doing. What does it take for God to do something amazing? All the disciples could muster was five loaves and two fish to feed a hungry crowd of over five thousand. But this was all that Jesus needed. When you do what you can do and trust God to do what only he can do, the results will be astounding. So how will you get involved?

Connect With Others

September 14, 2014 • Chris Edmondson • Mark 5:18–20, Mark 4:35, Colossians 4:5–6, Mark 5:1–17, Mark 6:53–56

People ask a lot of questions. Who should I marry? Where should I live? What car should I buy? Where did I put my keys? While we will never be able to answer every question with confidence, can we have an answer for everyone? Christians aren’t called to have an answer to everything, but to be an answer to everyone.