
Why Things Don’t Change When You Pray

Stalking Jesus, Part 4

March 23, 2014 • Chris Edmondson • Romans 12:9–21, Colossians 3:23

Most of us have a tendency to pray about things we can’t change while ignoring the things we can change. What if you flipped that? We’ll look at how your life - and the world -- can change for the better if you ask God to change you, and surrender the rest to God.

God Hear Me

March 16, 2014 • Chris Edmondson • Psalm 27:7, Psalm 55:1–2, Psalm 13, Psalm 10:1, Psalm 83:1

Loss, grief, pain, bitter disappointment…all too often, these characterize our existence. Indeed, it often feels like we can’t go for very long in this life without experiencing at least one of them. So, what does this tell us about God? What kind of God is He that He would allow such things to happen? Sometimes we may feel as though God is uninvolved in our circumstances and our concerns. But God is always engineering a perfect plan and purpose though not always immediately visible to us.

Why Your Prayers Don’t Work

March 9, 2014 • Chris Edmondson • Luke 11:1–13

We’ve all been disappointed when our prayers don’t get answered the way we hoped. Are we praying incorrectly? Is there a better way to pray? Does God just not care? This week, we’ll look at why looking for specific answers in prayer can be disappointing, and what to do about it.

Talking, Not Stalking

March 2, 2014 • Chris Edmondson • Luke 11:1, Matthew 6:5–13, Matthew 7:21–23

Have you ever been stalked? I don’t think I have, but I suppose it would be hard to tell if the stalker was any good! Stalking is one of those creepy things where once you start talking about it, you imagine it’s always happening to you. More people trying to follow Jesus should think about what stalkers do, but not for the reasons you might think at first. Because a lot of people stalk Jesus—they collect information and memorize things about God, without ever talking to God. They talk about knowing Jesus like they are best friends when actually, they really hardly knew each other at all. Because knowing facts about a person isn’t the same as having a relationship with a person.