

Hoarders, Part 3

April 11, 2010 • Chris Edmondson • Matthew 6:24–34, Matthew 10:29–31, James 1:22, Philippians 4:6–7, Romans 14:23

It’s just plain hard not to worry. There are so many things to worry about: job, family, money, health, world issues-the list goes on and on. Hoarding worry chokes our life and takes away our focus on God and makes us not trust Him. Worry is the opposite of faith. It is the sin of distrusting the promises and the power of God. Worry does not come from God, it comes from the enemy.

More from Hoarders


April 18, 2010 • Chris Edmondson • 1 Corinthians 10:12, Romans 7:17–25, Matthew 5:27–30, Mark 7:20–23, Proverbs 27:20

You aren’t strong enough to get over lust on your own.


April 4, 2010 • Chris Edmondson • Ephesians 4:32, Matthew 12:33–34, Matthew 5:38–48, Hebrews 12:14–15

Forgiveness uproots bitterness.


March 28, 2010 • Chris Edmondson • Proverbs 29:11, Romans 12:18, Matthew 18:15–16, Ephesians 4:26–32, Matthew 5:21–26

If hoarded, this toxic leftover will fester and grow and choke out every good thing in your life and home. Are you keeping anger past the expiration date? If kept around, this leftover will sour and spill over into every relationship, causing broken relationships, damaged lives, shattered dreams.