
The Easy Way or the Hard Way

May 12, 2024 • Randall Snipes • Acts 8

When it comes to life as a believer, we basically have two options. The easy way or the hard way. We either decide to obey God (the easy way) or we decide to disobey God (the hard way). There are numerous characters throughout the Bible that embody this reality but in our study of the book of Acts we find this situation right in front of us. God commanded the early believers to go out and be His witnesses to the ends of the earth. They did a great job of doing this in Jerusalem but stopped short when it came to the regions of Judea and Samaria. So God did what any good parent would do and lovingly made his children behave appropriately. God is a wonderful heavenly Father and He does not want us to miss out on the pleasure of our purpose, or the reward of obedience. So, He gives us a gentle reminder. What is He reminding you of today? Something He told you to do that you are not doing? Or something that He told you not to do that you are doing?

The Second Greatest Question in the History of Mankind

June 2, 2024 • Randall Snipes • Acts 16:16–31

What are the most important questions that we can ask? What is reality? What is life? Do we have free will? What happens after we die? All of these are great questions but before we talk about the second greatest question we must give you the first. In our opinion, the greatest question ever asked in the history of mankind is...Who is Jesus? With that being said, Acts 16 is going to give us the second greatest question ever asked. Listen in as Pastor Randall gives us the details leading up to this question.

The Truth About Tongues

May 26, 2024 • Randall Snipes • Acts 2:1–8, 1 Corinthians 14:1–33, Acts 9:26–28, Mark 16:15–18, 1 Corinthians 12:27–31

Speaking in tongues has several distinct spotlight moments in Scripture. These moments help us come to a fuller understanding of the gift and its place or value within our worship services. Pastor Randall takes us on a Biblical journey into the prediction, the presentation, and the parameters of what speaking in tongues is truly all about.

The Nature of a Biblical Christian

May 5, 2024 • Randall Snipes • Acts 2—8

As we get into the book of Acts, we ultimately discover a story of the early Christians telling the story of the Messiah. Tucked in between the pages of evangelism is a picture of a first century believer. If we take some time to look at this picture then most likely we we will be able to discern some things about ourselves. What we see with these early believers is a consistent heart change which brings up the question....does my heart need changing?