
Life Lessons | Part I

Dealing With Emotions

July 11, 2021 • Van N. Houser

In Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, he addresses what the Christian has become in a new relationship with Christ. In this passage he gives us the very things we need to properly deal with our emotions.

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Life Lessons | Part V

August 8, 2021 • Van N. Houser & Sam Nobles • Ephesians 4:17–32

You cannot change the nation without addressing the family. The core principles that lie at the foundation of our nation are not developed in the chambers of legislation but in the living rooms of homes. These core principles we find in Ephesians are foundational to all relationships from individuals to governments.

Life Lessons | Part IV

August 1, 2021 • Van N. Houser • Psalm 39:1

Learning to speak in two or three languages is not nearly as hard as learning to keep your mouth shut in one. Letting things go in one ear and out the other is bad enough, but what's worse is when things go in one ear, get all mixed up, and come out of the mouth!

Life Lessons | Part III

July 25, 2021 • Van N. Houser

Pastor Van continues the Life Lessons series with a message on generosity which includes an incredible story from two NSBC members.