
Spirit Detox

Week - 1

January 3, 2016 • Marty Martin

In 1 Corinthians 6:9 we have the well-known statement that says, “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? Frequently, when this statement comes up, its in the context of a discussion about diet and exercise. But it is so much more than that. The Spirit within us is more than a teacher who gives us an assignment and then steps out of the room, leaving us to learn the lessons and finish the assignment. How effective our spirit is depends on whether we experience the presence of God and interact with the spirit as a moving, dynamic life changing entity. It is much like breathing: first, we need to spiritually exhale, to empty ourselves of the toxins that are hampering the Spirit in our lives. At the same time we must inhale those things that will strengthen the Spirit in our lives.

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Body Detox

January 24, 2016 • Marty Martin

When God designed humankind, He first created the body (“from the dust of the ground”), and then filled that body with a spirit and a soul. The body God made for you is both the place of your personal presence and a temple where the Holy Spirit lives within you. So it’s important to learn how to use it well when living out your faith. Just as your physical body needs the occasional removal of toxins, poisons, and other unhealthy or hazardous substances, so also does our spiritual body need a detox.

Soul Detox

January 10, 2016 • Marty Martin

As we grow older, we have become increasingly aware that we live in toxic environments. Our food, water, and air are contaminated with poisons. Over time these poisons take a toll on our bodies. Many of our worst diseases are a direct result of the toxins in our life. But as important as toxins are at a physical level, they are even more important spiritually. Toxic mindsets, toxic influences, and toxic attitudes can impact every facet of our lives: thoughts, words, fear, influences, culture and relationships. We need to detox to remove those toxins. This week we talked about the soul.