
God in a Manger

Week 1 • Down to Earth

November 26, 2023 • Scott Scruggs

What if strength was actually found in humility? Pastor Scotty Scruggs opens our series, Down to Earth, challenging us to explore whether humility could be the missing piece we've been overlooking. As this series begins, dive into the core of humility, grasp its significance, and learn how to integrate it into your daily life. Uncover the deep connection between humility and following Jesus in this illuminating sermon.

More from Down to Earth

The Entitlement Trap

December 31, 2023 • Scott Scruggs

In the final installment of the "Down to Earth" series, Pastor Scotty tackles "The Entitlement Trap" — the damaging belief that God owes us something in this life. Join us as we examine how entitlement holds us back from true humility, and learn how to break free from its grip. Don't miss this powerful conclusion as we seek to live a more grounded, authentic life in Christ.

Humble God with Us

December 17, 2023 • Stan Markowski

Pastor Stan Markowski shines a light on the less-celebrated aspects of the Christmas story, portraying Jesus' birth as a narrative filled with shame and societal stigma. Looking at the cultural context, the sermon challenges the conventional perception of a joyous and idyllic nativity scene, bringing recognition to the pain and difficulties woven into the Christmas narrative. Ultimately, the message emphasizes the profound empathy of a God who chose to enter the world in a way that's familiar for anyone experiencing hardship and loss durning the holiday season.

A Tale of Two Kings

December 10, 2023 • Jonathan Wolfgang

Explore the contrasting lives of King Herod and King Jesus. As we approach Christmas, Pastor Wolfgang guides through the simplicity of Jesus' humility against Herod's pursuit of power. Reflect on the choices we make in defining greatness and uncover the timeless wisdom found in the Christmas story. This sermon is an invitation to examine our hearts and consider the impact of our own choices, so listen and take a moment of reflection during this holiday hustle.