
Amazing Race | Philippians 3:12-16

April 3, 2024 • William Horton

Philippians 3:12-16 talks about the amazing race we are to run as believers. In this passage, the apostle Paul uses the imagery of a race to describe the Christian journey. He encourages believers to press on toward the goal of knowing Christ more fully and becoming more like Him. Just as a runner focuses on the finish line and pushes through obstacles and challenges along the way, so too should we, as Christians, fix our eyes on Jesus and keep moving forward in our faith.

Paul emphasizes the importance of forgetting what is behind us and straining toward what is ahead. This means letting go of past mistakes, failures, and accomplishments and instead focusing on the present and future that God has in store for us. We are to keep growing in our relationship with Christ, seeking to become more mature in our faith and more aligned with His will for our lives.

As we run this race, it is crucial to stay humble and rely on the power of God to help us persevere through difficulties and keep moving forward. We are encouraged to hold fast to the truth of God's word and to follow the example of other believers who are running alongside us. By staying unified in our pursuit of Christ, we can encourage and support one another as we strive to live out our faith in a world that is often hostile to the gospel.

#bible #jesus #god

Wednesday Live Service

May 29, 2024

Wednesday Live Service

May 22, 2024

Money Talks

May 8, 2024 • William Horton

How we deal with our finances can reflect our trust in God's provision and our stewardship of the resources He has entrusted to us. When we manage our money wisely, give generously, and prioritize our hearts on heavenly treasures rather than earthly wealth, it shows that we are seeking first the Kingdom of God and trusting in His provision for all our needs. It demonstrates our faith in His promises to provide for us and our obedience to use our resources for His glory. In contrast, hoarding wealth, being greedy, or prioritizing material possessions over our relationship with God can indicate a lack of trust in His provision and a misplaced focus on earthly treasures. As we seek to manage our finances in line with biblical principles and seek God's guidance in stewarding our resources, we can grow in our relationship with the Lord and reflect His values in our financial decisions.