
Skye Jethani - What does the New Testament say about the Church?

What does the New Testament say about the Church?

February 3, 2024 • Skye Jethani

The New Testament describes the church and its purpose not as an event, a building, or an institution; it describes a community living in unity with God and one another. Yet, the modern Church often struggles and is influenced more by worldly values. In this session, Skye will explain what the Bible says about the Church, its purpose and what fulfilling His mission looks like in today’s world.

Brady Boyd - Addicted to Busy?

February 3, 2024 • Brady Boyd

Far too often, our lives are overwhelmed by the demands of work, family, and social circles, leaving little time for meaningful connection with God. In this session, we will answer questions such as; how can men provide for their families and enjoy life in a sustainable way? What does it mean to honor the Sabbath? What’s the best way to lead a life marked by productivity and rest? 

Brady Boyd - Speak Life

February 3, 2024 • Brady Boyd

Our words carry significant weight and power; every relationship in our lives can be strengthened or damaged by how we speak in them. This session will explain how to harness our words and the intention behind them to bring new life into our relationships, rather than drag them down.  

Brian Tome - 5 Marks of a Man

February 3, 2024 • Brian Tome

Age, job or achievements do not automatically make a boy a man; it is the way he chooses to live his life. Brian describes five characteristics that mark authentic manhood; a vision for life, the courage to take a minor position, a team player’s mindset, a strong work ethic, and the ability to be a gracious protector. In this session, learn to embrace these characteristics and create a new path of strength and integrity to become the person God intended.