
Rethinking Rhythm In Light of Reality

May 28, 2023 • Dave Romoser

There's a particular and intentional rhythm wired into all creation and, in our culture in particular, there's a driving pace that flows against it, which, of course, will then cause us to miss the groove that leads to the "good life."

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Series Questions & Wrap Up Discussion

June 4, 2023 • Dave Romoser, Grant Romoser-Claunch, Lindsey Apple

Pastor Lindsey and Pastor Grant join Pastor Dave for a discussion around questions from the series

Rethinking Money In Light of Reality

May 21, 2023 • Dave Romoser

When we talk about how we are to understand God's design for our "work", we then have to talk about money ...and most likely rethink its role in our life as part of the Kingdom.

Rethinking Success In Light of Reality

May 14, 2023 • Dave Romoser

Genesis 1 & 2 reveal the world as God intended it to be... how it was designed to effectively flourish. Is there a framework that unfolds that might cause us to choose to re-think our understanding of "success"?