
An UN-natural Reponse

November 12, 2023 • Dave Romoser

Once again, Jesus raises the bar as he paints a picture of a Kingdom response to those who we tend to see as an "enemy" in some arena of our life

It Boils Down To This...

January 14, 2024 • Dave Romoser

As Jesus begins to land his sermon he speaks about what happens when we "ask, seek and knock"... But its easy to hear his words as simply surface statements about how to get what we want from God and miss what's beneath the surface that lies at the heart of the Kingdom

Gates, Fruit, Houses & Landing The Talk

January 21, 2024 • Dave Romoser

Jesus concludes his teaching on the mount with a series of images and a reminder of what is required to experience a life that flourishes even in the most dire of circumstances.

Pigs, Pearls & Planks

January 7, 2024 • Dave Romoser

Pastor Dave returns to the Sermon On The Mount as Jesus discusses one of the most common critiques of the Church