

November 13, 2022 • Dave Romoser

Pastor Dave responds to the questions that have been submitted throughout the series.


November 6, 2022 • Dave Romoser

In this final teaching of the series Pastor Dave explores a specific scene in the life of Jesus where he's confronted with a trap having to do with the overlap of the kingdom of the world and the Kingdom of God. And once again, in his response, doesn't let the kingdom of the world set the agenda but redirects the question with a third way response.

Harboring A Near Enemy

October 30, 2022 • Dave Romoser

One of the greatest long term damages done to the cause of the Kingdom happens when we unknowingly mistake the civil religion of "Christianity" for the good news of the Kingdom of God Jesus announced and demonstrated

A Matter of Trust

October 23, 2022 • Dave Romoser

When the people of God fuse their calling and identity with the "kingdoms of the world" - those institutions that govern us - the outcome not only brings conflict and destruction to the world around us. It does grave damage to the Church in ways that we often don't even recognize.