
Why In The World: Classless

Part 3

March 15, 2015 • Steve Harms

We’ve all been picked on for something we had no control over. It’s dehumanizing. In all likelihood, you’ve also picked on others. It’s such a strange thing. It’s such a human thing. The easiest way to feel superior is to find a person or group we feel is inferior and power up. And we’ve probably all been guilty of that outwardly or inwardly.

One of the reasons Jesus came into the world was to change all that.

Why In The World: God As He Really Is

March 1, 2015 • Steve Harms

If you think about it, one of the craziest things we believe as Christians is that the God who made the world became one of us. Two thousand years ago, a man named John who hung out with Jesus wrestled with same question. And he was an eyewitness of everything Jesus said and did. Why in the world would God do that?

Why In The World: Like Son, Like Father

March 8, 2015 • Steve Harms

If there is a God, we all want to know what he’s like. We’re curious. Our tendency is to look in nature, outer space, or within ourselves to find clues about him. But that only provides us with an incomplete picture. Jesus made a radical claim. He said if you want to know about God, look no further than him. If you’ve seen the Son, you’ve seen the Father.

Why In The World: The End of Religion

March 22, 2015 • Steve Harms

We hear stories of religious fanatics who say and do things that look nothing like the life of Jesus. They give God credit and we're left scratching our heads at what's being done in the name of Christianity. The problem with religion and why it’s so destructive is so many people assume that religion and God are same. Religion was never meant be the end, but a means to the end.