
Sheep and Goats

April 28, 2024 • Brandon Ball

Jesus’ words are more than mere stories; they are divine revelations meant to transform our understanding of faith and the essence of the gospel. These narratives underscore the profound truth that our relationship with Christ is the cornerstone of eternal life, not the mere accumulation of good deeds or religious observance. Let’s embrace the gospel fully, living out our faith with the assurance that we are eternally secured at the right hand of God through Jesus Christ.

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Filling Up the Law

June 9, 2024 • Brandon Ball

Jesus’ new commandment to love one another as He has loved us transcends the old law’s requirements and introduces a grace-based standard of love. This shift from a self-based love to a Christ-centered love exemplifies the perfection of God’s love, which we are now called to emulate. Therefore, our righteousness, grounded in faith and the completed work of Christ, far surpasses the impossible standards of the law, leading us to live out His love in every aspect of our lives.

All or Nothing

June 2, 2024 • Brandon Ball

Both the Law and Grace operate on an all-or-nothing basis. The Law demands perfection, offering no partial credit, and drives us out when we fail. In contrast, Grace draws us in, offering complete forgiveness and restoration through faith in Jesus Christ. Remember, it is not our adherence to the Law but our faith in His grace that establishes our righteousness and relationship with God.

Grace Isn't Fair

May 26, 2024 • Brandon Ball

Jesus uses the contrast between the rich young ruler and Zacchaeus to illustrate the difference between law and grace. The rich young ruler’s reliance on the law left him lacking, while Zacchaeus, a sinner, received salvation through grace. This powerful comparison reminds us that salvation is not about our efforts to meet the impossible standards of the law but about receiving the grace that God freely offers to all who believe.