
The Yoke of Grace

May 5, 2024 • Brandon Ball

The teachings of Jesus, often marked by contrasting “Red Letters,” help us discern between the burden of the Law and the rest provided through Grace. He emphasizes that He has already taken the weight of perfection, urging believers to seek rest in Him rather than striving for righteousness through their own efforts. While the Law reveals our sins and emphasizes our inability to achieve perfection, Jesus provides the path to freedom through the new covenant, inviting us to rest in His finished work.

More from Red Letters

Grace Isn't Fair

May 26, 2024 • Brandon Ball

Jesus uses the contrast between the rich young ruler and Zacchaeus to illustrate the difference between law and grace. The rich young ruler’s reliance on the law left him lacking, while Zacchaeus, a sinner, received salvation through grace. This powerful comparison reminds us that salvation is not about our efforts to meet the impossible standards of the law but about receiving the grace that God freely offers to all who believe.

Impossible With Men

May 19, 2024 • Brandon Ball

The purpose of the Law was to expose our sin and highlight our need for a Savior. We saw how it left us perpetually striving for perfection, only to reveal our inability to achieve it. However, with God, what is impossible for men becomes possible, as He offers perfect righteousness as a gift through faith, freeing us from the impossible demands of the Law!

Faith Has Come

May 12, 2024 • Brandon Ball

Jesus often distinguishes the difference between Law and Grace, hiding these deep spiritual truths in plain sight through stories and parables. If you don’t know what to look for, you’ll miss it. His teachings on Grace offer us rest and relief from our spiritual labors, pointing us towards a new covenant of righteousness based on faith rather than works. Ultimately, the cross stands as a catastrophic defeat for sin and a monumental victory for believers, perfectly embodying God’s eternal plan of righteousness and grace.