
Nevermind The Storm

Charnè Pretorius

August 16, 2015 • Charné Pretorius

Nevermind the storm
Challenges and even severe trials are part of every person on Planet Earth’s life. When we determine to live Godly lives, we can stand assured that persecution will come. This however is no cause for fear! The Bible teaches us that we are safe and secure in the care of God regardless of the attack launched against us. Just like Jesus in Luke 8:22-25 we can continue with our lives, fearlessly doing what we were called to do with no regard for the storm that rages around us. When Jesus told the disciples that they were crossing over to the other side of the lake all that was required was for them to receive the mandate with faith in their hearts and to do it.
Whenever God gives us an assignment we can know beyond a shadow of a doubt that He is right there with us, empowering us to do what we were called to do. This means that we never need to operate in fear. We are never alone and therefore never in a position where it is impossible for us to reach our destination. God does not exempt us of what happens on Earth, He expects us, in the midst of whatever we face, to serve Him, to make it possible for others to connect to Him and to make a difference. In order for us to not only survive the storms we face, but to conquer and see it through victoriously, we have to be obedient and full of faith.
Peter obeyed Jesus and stepped out of the shelter of the boat onto the water and into the storm. Even though all the other disciples witnessed the miracle of Jesus walking on the water, Peter was the only one that responded to the call to get out of the boat. As he kept his eyes fixed on Jesus, steadily moving towards Him, the waves and all the circumstantial evidence that shouted out the impossibility of what he was busy doing, had absolutely no effect on him. We see however that the moment he took his eyes off Jesus and started looking at what was happening around him, he became terrified and started sinking. Faith and fear are direct opposites. When we allow fear in our hearts it eats away at our faith. To the extent that we embrace fear we are empty of faith. Where there is no faith, there also is no capacity for obedience and therefore also no breakthrough…
Jesus obeyed the Father unto death. Psalm 22 gives an accurate description of the storm He faced in order to complete the mandate on His life. In the midst of the turmoil He faced, He made a conscious decision to not give up or exult His own will and convenience above what the Father wanted. As He did this, He paved the way for all of us to also be able to choose God’s will over any comfort the World has to offer. His obedience made it possible for us to be obedient.
When we are in the thick of things, we have to stand determined to live. Storms will come but they will not last. They will be severe, but the promises of God stand – we will survive with a testimony that will glorify God. In every storm we can choose to mind the storm or to be mindful of God. In the end, it is worth it to face the storm head-on as we fight for our families, our marriages, our children, our finances and ministries. Determine right now to see it through, all the time rejoicing because it is in the storm that we develop strength and perseverance, increase in faith and learn the true dimensions of God’s faithfulness and mercy towards us.