
Malachi | True Worship

August 24, 2014 • Malachi

be sure to join us Sunday for our concluding sermon in the "Minor Prophets :: Major Profit" series. We'll be studying the book of Malachi and talking about "True Worship."

Hosea | True Love

July 27, 2014

Amos | True Justice

August 3, 2014 • Amos

We're continuing our series through the books of the Bible called "The Minor Prophets." Tomorrow, we'll focus our attention on the book of Amos. The big idea of the book is that God, as the just Judge of the Universe, cares about what we do with our lives and how we relate to the people around us. He cares about Justice. He wants His people to "do justice," which in Scripture includes sharing food, shelter, and basic resources with those who lack them. In particular, Amos reminds us that God cares how we relate to those who are vulnerable: the weak, sick, elderly, mentally and physically handicapped, refugees, immigrants, working poor, natural disaster victims, unemployed, single parents, widows, and orphans. One of the famous verses for the book is found in chapter 5, verse 24: "Let Justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream." I pray for Mosaic Boston to continue to growing into a church from whom justice flows torrentially.

Micah | True Redemption

August 10, 2014 • Micah

We love stories about redemption, don't we? Just think about how many of your favorite books or movies boil down to stories about a person struggling to redeem themselves or someone else. If you look at IMDB's list of top 250 movies of all time, the #1 movie is the classic, "Shawshank Redemption." Then, as you make your way down the list, almost every other movie (arguably) is about redemption--a story of someone ingeniously and determinedly atoning for their mistakes and/or saving themselves or loved ones. Why is the plot line of redemption so compelling to our hearts? Could it be, because we long for our own redemption? Could it be, because we all long for another chance? Could it be, because we all long to be saved?