

March 22, 2015 • 1 Kings 17—19

As we continue our "Heroes" sermon series tomorrow, we'll be looking at the life and exploits of the epic mega-prophet Elijah. Everything Elijah did, he did big. He stands up to tyrants, stops rain for three years, ravens bring him food, resurrects people (NBD), and wins a showdown against the prophets of the idol Baal by calling fire from heaven. If that's not enough, he was an insane athlete! He ran seventeen miles faster than horses and chariots (#beastmode).

His whole life, he was driven by one mission: to help indecisive people commit to the one True God. Tomorrow, we'll be focusing our attention on Elijah's showdown with the the false-god Baal. As Elijah gathers thousands of people together, he tells them in 1 Kings 18:21: "'How long will you go limping between two different opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal, then follow him.' And the people did not answer him a word."

Ours is the most commitment-challenged culture in the existence of the world. Perhaps we don't worship Baal, but we do worship the "god of open options." We sacrifice the substance of commitment at the alter of superficial choice. Elijah's words are as relevant as ever.

Be sure to join us tomorrow as we learn from the life of the great hero of the faith, Elijah, and see how his life foreshadows the Ultimate Superhero, Jesus Christ. Take 20 minutes today to read through 1 Kings 17-19 in preparation for our time together in God's Word.

More from Heroes


February 8, 2015 • Genesis 1—3

I'm so excited to announce that this Sunday, we're launching a brand new sermon series, called "Heroes." We live in a culture intrigued (obsessed?) with superheroes. Hollywood has released at least 40 mega-budget movies in the last decade, most of which have been huge money-makers. What's the deal? We love superpowers and the supernatural. We love seeing good prevail in the battle against evil. We love having a reason for hope in the face of adversity. We love immortality and sacrificial love. We love adventure and risk. We love seeing the powerful hero save the powerless victim and make all things right with the world. As C.S. Lewis said, the classic myths point people to the ultimate, truth Myth. Superhero stories, wrote J.R.R. Tolkien, are the best way-- and sometimes the only way-- of conveying truths that would otherwise remain inexpressible. Myths may be misguided, Tolkien said, but they steer however shakily toward the true harbor. The superhero stories of our day reveal perennial human longings for safety, significant, power, joy, unconditional love--longings only ultimately satisfied by the Ultimate Superhero, Jesus Christ. The story of Christ is at the very heart of history and at the very root of reality. Be sure to join us tomorrow as we start a new sermon series looking at some of the greatest heroes of the Old Testament and showing how every single one of them needs the Ultimate Superhero.


February 22, 2015 • Genesis 6—9

Be sure to join us tomorrow as we continue a new sermon series looking at some of the greatest heroes of the Old Testament and showing how every single one of them needs the Ultimate Superhero. Tomorrow we'll be studying the epic story of Noah and see how Noah points to the greater-Noah, Jesus Christ.


March 1, 2015 • Genesis 12