
Life Questions wk3

August 21, 2016

How does the Free Methodist church feel about divorce and remarriage after divorce? What does the Bible say about divorce and remarriage?

I know God loves me and Jesus died on the cross. What does that have to do with me? What is the significance of the cross?  What does the cross have to do with my life and my salvation?

The Bible story (Matt 20:1-16) In the end, all workers were paid the same.  Is this a story about employee/employer relationships...or is it a story about grace?

Is it possible to live without sin by learning what it means to completely surrender and abide in Christ daily?

Life Questions wk4

August 28, 2016 • Pastor Gene LeForge, Pastor Scott Palmiter, Pastor Eric Wing

I want to be close to God at school but I am afraid that people will judge me because of my faith. What do I do? If when people die they go to heaven or hell, then what is the point of the judgment talked about in revelations? What does it mean to be "in the Spirit? What does it mean to worship in Spirit and in truth?

Life Questions wk2

August 14, 2016 • Pastor Gene LeForge, Gary Wieber, Pastor Eric Wing

I often hear people say they think they are being tested or they feel strongly that God is testing them about some aspect of their life. Does God in fact test us and our faith? How do we apply the Bible to subjects that simply didn't exist when it was written? Is it okay have hobbies? Or should we be spending our time on things that are more eternal? Why is it that I can't hear Jesus talk to me?

Life Questions wk1

August 7, 2016 • Pastor Gene LeForge, Pastor Scott Palmiter, Pastor Eric Wing

Who were Jesus' earthly parents? What does it mean to witness for Jesus? If the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus are facts, why do people still doubt His existence? Why are there different versions of the Bible? Why does it seem when things are going so good in our everyday lives that all of a sudden things go BAD and we are forced into a struggle with our faith. Did I cause this? Is it sin in my life?