
God Molds The Moldable

Week 1

September 27, 2015 • Dick Ray

There are many outside influences that shape our character and mold us to be the people we are today. Most of those influences are from people we were in relationship with. To live a life from the Inside Out that honors God, requires me to have godly traits that my heavenly Father has shaped in me. But to be molded requires me to be moldable. Which brings the questions, “How moldable am I?” “Do I trust God enough to yield to His ways in ALL areas of my life?”

More from Inside Out

Expressing God's Character

October 4, 2015 • Dick Ray

One of the desires of Christians is to do things that please God. But we seldom Think of God as for expressing tea light in the things that we do. There are many scriptures that speak of Joy in heaven. When we live our lives from the inside we express God's character to the world around us which brings great delight to our heavenly Father. As His children we can experience His delight and joy.

Being Where Jesus Is

October 11, 2015 • Guest Speaker

As Christians we often experience God's presence during worship and prayer. Jesus tells us another place He can be found is out in the world among people who are in need. Jesus said that He and the Father were always working. When we go out and minister we join in with what Jesus and the Father are already doing. Living life from the 'Inside Out' propels us to where Jesus is already ministering.

What Spills Out When Bumped

October 25, 2015 • Dick Ray

As much as we enjoy having godliness expressed in our lives, the reality is that we are not only filled with godliness but also with the unredeemed parts of our lives. These can remain tucked away in the recesses of our being until life gets stressful, circumstances provoke us and they find their way to the surface. We then find out that whatever is deep within us spills out when we get bumped. To live a life from the Inside Out that honors God requires us to continually be transformed by displacing ungodliness with godliness.