
Lillie Day

Baptism Story

April 12, 2015 • Lillie Day

"I prayed that God would save me from drugs, but come Friday, I was high again." -Lillie Day #lpcis #homesteadfl

Joaquin Graupera

June 5, 2016 • Joaquin Graupera

"I never put my heart into what was truly out there... Now I see that the blessings I have are from opening up my eyes" -Joaquin Graupera #lpcis #homesteadfl

Joey & Nichole Barber

January 24, 2016

"We both had divorce papers signed and ready to proceed." -Joey Barber #lpcis #homesteadfl

Odette Ortega

January 24, 2016

"I lost my job and didn't know how my bills were going to be paid." -Odette Ortega #lpcis #homesteadfl