
The Face of Resurrection Joy

John 20:1-18

April 5, 2015 • Dr. Bobby Blanton

Today we celebrate "The Face of Resurrection Joy!" Open your bibles to the book of John for lessons from an empty tomb.

The Face of a Late Arrival

March 29, 2015 • Dr. Bobby Blanton

Jesus hung on the cross with two criminals beside Him. One offered criticism to Jesus, the other acknowledged who He is. Even though the second criminal was a late arrival, he was saved! When we come to Jesus, there are forces of opposition who criticize us, but we must push through and trust Him by faith.

A Face in the Crowd

March 22, 2015 • Dr. Bobby Blanton

The bible tells of Simon of Cyrene, a man whose life was changed when he was forced to carry the cross that Jesus would soon hang from. If we're walking in the will of God, we too will find that our lives are changed by the disruption the cross will bring. How will you respond to the disruptive force of the cross? Will you see the disruption as a catastrophe or as an opportunity?

The Faces of a Corrupt Court

March 15, 2015 • Dr. Bobby Blanton

There are many faces in Jesus' last days leading up to the cross. Today we'll examine the faces of a corrupt court and the characters and outcome at play.